Since it took over an hour to load the nine pictures to the blog yesterday, we didn't have time to comment. Shannan, here are some explanations.
We had the privelege of helping in 3 water well rehabs. It is much cheaper to repair the wells than drill new ones, so the family we stayed with the past week let us come help. We visited two villages on Tuesday and we had no idea what to expect. We arrived at the first village and within 10 minutes everyone from the village was standing around the well, singing praises to God for what was about to happen, and then the well rehab began. The women sang for 4 hours straight, while the men repaired the well. One lady convinced me to dance with her and I am pretty sure I looked silly but went with it.
The second village rehab was very similar. The man who is over community development told us afterwards that he has had people come to repair wells in the past but charged over $9,000 each and so he was thankful for Living Water International who was part of the well repair funding. He also mentioned that he would be telling all of the other villages that they need to follow Jesus (even though he is not a believer at the moment) because in the past he had only seen Jesus on the cross, but this day he had seen Jesus in us. (I HAD TO HOLD BACK MY TEARS).
The team we stayed with also particpates in a literacy program in the villages because many of the church members cannot read the Word of God. They also train the leaders individually so they can be equipped to teach and church plant. The Church among the Dagara people group is growing so fast and there are not enough people that can train these leaders...pray for people to be sent to this group so they can be soundly trained.
We head to the farm in the morning....we will take pictures and hopefully post in a few weeks.
We had the privelege of helping in 3 water well rehabs. It is much cheaper to repair the wells than drill new ones, so the family we stayed with the past week let us come help. We visited two villages on Tuesday and we had no idea what to expect. We arrived at the first village and within 10 minutes everyone from the village was standing around the well, singing praises to God for what was about to happen, and then the well rehab began. The women sang for 4 hours straight, while the men repaired the well. One lady convinced me to dance with her and I am pretty sure I looked silly but went with it.
The second village rehab was very similar. The man who is over community development told us afterwards that he has had people come to repair wells in the past but charged over $9,000 each and so he was thankful for Living Water International who was part of the well repair funding. He also mentioned that he would be telling all of the other villages that they need to follow Jesus (even though he is not a believer at the moment) because in the past he had only seen Jesus on the cross, but this day he had seen Jesus in us. (I HAD TO HOLD BACK MY TEARS).
The team we stayed with also particpates in a literacy program in the villages because many of the church members cannot read the Word of God. They also train the leaders individually so they can be equipped to teach and church plant. The Church among the Dagara people group is growing so fast and there are not enough people that can train these leaders...pray for people to be sent to this group so they can be soundly trained.
We head to the farm in the morning....we will take pictures and hopefully post in a few weeks.